Sunday, March 7, 2010

Controversial campaign antitobacco


We speak again today about graphs that they generate or they generated controversy, in this case a campaign of the organization antitobacco Droits give Odd number Fumeurs, which operates in France.

This one compares the fact of smoking with of forcing the adolescents to practise oral sex. The campaign is thinking about generating some type of analogy between two attitudes more than questionable.

The shock between the hearing is emphasized using the phrase “Fumer, c’ est être l`esclave du tabac” (Smoking is to be a slave of the tobacco).

(I resided …)

Winter Paralímpicos


This year the Games winter Paralímpicos will take place in Vancouver, round what the flame Paralímpica is already traveling across Canada.

It will happen for the hands of more than 600 persons and March 12 will come to Vancouver after having been in Ottawa, Québec, Toronto, Esquimalt, Victory, Squamish, Whistler, Lytton, Hope and Maple Ridge.

For this edition of the games the committee paralímpico Canadian as a whole with BBDO Toronto they realized a campaign that promotes values as perseverance, decision and passion.

(I resided …)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Did Citroen shape John Lennon?

This new Citroen commercial for his model DS3 is provided with the participation of John Lennon, although not of form entirely voluntary.


The piece has generated a considerable controversy between the fanatics of the Beatles since many people think that to give the Lennon image with commercial intentions spoils completely the message that the musician and social activist tried to leave in the world.

Proper Yoko Ono has mentioned that it was not motivated by the money but by the desire to support his deceased husband in the conscience of the public. Nevertheless I believe that the Lennon legend has resisted well the years without need of insipid TV/radio commercials. Mediática provoked by the announcement probably Citroen has loved the thunderstorm that they create mistakenly that “the bad publicity does not exist”.

(I resided …)

Clasp Life: visits record


The English ONG Sussex Safer Roads Partnership tries to generate conscience on the importance of the road safety. To do it they use of different ways like the education, the public order and the engineering.

But, also they use the publicity to remember the principal points on which we have to be attentive at the time of leading a vehicle. That's why in the frame of his campaign Clasp Life (to Stick to the life) they raised a commercial to youtube that reached a million visits in less than two weeks.

(I resided …)

Coca-Cola Zero gives you another opportunity

This commercial of Coca-Cola Zero does not speak straight about the product but it connects it with a series of fantastic situations of science fiction that serve well the intention of entertaining and of emphasizing in an indirect way the spectacular scientific achievement that is the drink.


The piece theorizes that if Coca-Cola was capable of creating a drink with zero calorie, the scientists should be able to create a machine that allows to travel in the time. In this case the trips are used in punctual situations without exploring all his potential to support them of a way in which the public could be related them.

The final score works very well, transmitting humorous moments skillfully inserted with reflective others to produce an agile, entertaining commercial but that does not fall down in excesses and that does that Coca-Cola Zero achieves to be taken in perspective as more than a product of massive consumption.

(I resided …)

Erotic sleep or violence?


The publicities that generate controversy can turn out to be very positive or completely negative for the marks. Namely the controversy in publicity can be a double-edged weapon difficult to handle.

This is the case of a graph that Dolce and Gabbana published during his campaign spring 2007. In this one there is seen a woman surrounded with men whose position was suggesting, according to the North American organization NOW (”National Organization for Women“, national organization for the women) a violence situation against the woman.

(I resided …)

Friday, March 5, 2010

The first thing is the athlete

This BBDO commercial for the Special Olympics is an interesting analysis of as the spectator sees an athlete based on his talents and his limitations.


The piece points to show to the special athletes as legitimate competitors that they stand out not only for overcoming his disability, but also for his athletic skill.

This tries to break with the stigma of the special Olympics like a contest in which they all win and emphasize that it is a real competition, in which the athletes go a long way quite to achieve a victory, which deserves the same respect as that of any another competition.

(I resided …)

Bud Light gets lost in the Super Bowl

This brilliant commercial of Bud Light for the most recent Superbowl is a skillful parody to the series of tv Lost and also it includes the classic humor that it defines to the mark.


The stage, the actors and the others were chosen deliberately to remember Lost but without falling down in problems of copyright with the proprietors of the series.

The result is a humor it marks Bud Light, emphasizing the values of image of the drink that keeps on collaborating with holidays and sensual situations although in a context less male chauvinist in this occasion.

(I resided …)

Tambour gives you the parking


Without a doubt that one of the types of publicity who more enjoyed they are them i ntervenciones urban. When a campaign uses a city as a stage insurance generates something interesting or entertaining.

The companies that dare to make use of this type of support insure themselves the direct contact with the client, in whom without doubts they are going to leave a memory. This is the case of the Israeli company Tambour.

This is a leading corporation on the market of paintings of Israel, and it is between the 50 most important production companies of painting of the world. In the frame of his campaignMonth of the color“ it prepared along with the agency Shalmor Avnon Amichay/Y&R Interactivate Israel, an entertaining action.

(I resided …)

I go on from the Bulls against the sweetness

This commercial of Step of the Bulls is a work of BBDO Argentina and he makes fun crafty of the romantic sweetness aiming at the masculine target.


The piece is direct, simple and an egg white but a pair of surprises is reserved to promote the copy in the end, which establishes to Step of the Bulls like a more aggressive and direct drink that does not waste the time with excessive and ridiculous gestures.

The performances also are impeccable since they travel well the thin line between realism and excess producing improbable scenes although not completely impossible.

(I resided …)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Skoda appears in the just moment

This interesting commercial of the mark of cars Skoda seen in Openads for his model Superb Combi is a risky but interesting bet to receive the attention of the spectator.

The decision to relegate to the vehicle to an extremely secondary roll opposite to the composition is controversial, since many support which the public amuses himself and pays attention but really he does not remember the mark. I cannot deny that this argument has many points in his favor but also I have to mention that we live in complex times.

The attention of the public is extremely fragmented between all the modern mass media and to achieve that this one stays constant in a minute is already a capital victory. That's why the piece is the reflex of the loss of predominance of the television due to the fragmentation of the hearings and his need to resort to another type of tactics to support the interested people. At the same time, the piece is so simple and cheap, that does not represent a risk economic so imporante.

(I resided …)