Sunday, March 7, 2010

Controversial campaign antitobacco


We speak again today about graphs that they generate or they generated controversy, in this case a campaign of the organization antitobacco Droits give Odd number Fumeurs, which operates in France.

This one compares the fact of smoking with of forcing the adolescents to practise oral sex. The campaign is thinking about generating some type of analogy between two attitudes more than questionable.

The shock between the hearing is emphasized using the phrase “Fumer, c’ est être l`esclave du tabac” (Smoking is to be a slave of the tobacco).

(I resided …)

Winter Paralímpicos


This year the Games winter Paralímpicos will take place in Vancouver, round what the flame Paralímpica is already traveling across Canada.

It will happen for the hands of more than 600 persons and March 12 will come to Vancouver after having been in Ottawa, Québec, Toronto, Esquimalt, Victory, Squamish, Whistler, Lytton, Hope and Maple Ridge.

For this edition of the games the committee paralímpico Canadian as a whole with BBDO Toronto they realized a campaign that promotes values as perseverance, decision and passion.

(I resided …)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Did Citroen shape John Lennon?

This new Citroen commercial for his model DS3 is provided with the participation of John Lennon, although not of form entirely voluntary.


The piece has generated a considerable controversy between the fanatics of the Beatles since many people think that to give the Lennon image with commercial intentions spoils completely the message that the musician and social activist tried to leave in the world.

Proper Yoko Ono has mentioned that it was not motivated by the money but by the desire to support his deceased husband in the conscience of the public. Nevertheless I believe that the Lennon legend has resisted well the years without need of insipid TV/radio commercials. Mediática provoked by the announcement probably Citroen has loved the thunderstorm that they create mistakenly that “the bad publicity does not exist”.

(I resided …)

Clasp Life: visits record


The English ONG Sussex Safer Roads Partnership tries to generate conscience on the importance of the road safety. To do it they use of different ways like the education, the public order and the engineering.

But, also they use the publicity to remember the principal points on which we have to be attentive at the time of leading a vehicle. That's why in the frame of his campaign Clasp Life (to Stick to the life) they raised a commercial to youtube that reached a million visits in less than two weeks.

(I resided …)

Coca-Cola Zero gives you another opportunity

This commercial of Coca-Cola Zero does not speak straight about the product but it connects it with a series of fantastic situations of science fiction that serve well the intention of entertaining and of emphasizing in an indirect way the spectacular scientific achievement that is the drink.


The piece theorizes that if Coca-Cola was capable of creating a drink with zero calorie, the scientists should be able to create a machine that allows to travel in the time. In this case the trips are used in punctual situations without exploring all his potential to support them of a way in which the public could be related them.

The final score works very well, transmitting humorous moments skillfully inserted with reflective others to produce an agile, entertaining commercial but that does not fall down in excesses and that does that Coca-Cola Zero achieves to be taken in perspective as more than a product of massive consumption.

(I resided …)

Erotic sleep or violence?


The publicities that generate controversy can turn out to be very positive or completely negative for the marks. Namely the controversy in publicity can be a double-edged weapon difficult to handle.

This is the case of a graph that Dolce and Gabbana published during his campaign spring 2007. In this one there is seen a woman surrounded with men whose position was suggesting, according to the North American organization NOW (”National Organization for Women“, national organization for the women) a violence situation against the woman.

(I resided …)

Friday, March 5, 2010

The first thing is the athlete

This BBDO commercial for the Special Olympics is an interesting analysis of as the spectator sees an athlete based on his talents and his limitations.


The piece points to show to the special athletes as legitimate competitors that they stand out not only for overcoming his disability, but also for his athletic skill.

This tries to break with the stigma of the special Olympics like a contest in which they all win and emphasize that it is a real competition, in which the athletes go a long way quite to achieve a victory, which deserves the same respect as that of any another competition.

(I resided …)

Bud Light gets lost in the Super Bowl

This brilliant commercial of Bud Light for the most recent Superbowl is a skillful parody to the series of tv Lost and also it includes the classic humor that it defines to the mark.


The stage, the actors and the others were chosen deliberately to remember Lost but without falling down in problems of copyright with the proprietors of the series.

The result is a humor it marks Bud Light, emphasizing the values of image of the drink that keeps on collaborating with holidays and sensual situations although in a context less male chauvinist in this occasion.

(I resided …)

Tambour gives you the parking


Without a doubt that one of the types of publicity who more enjoyed they are them i ntervenciones urban. When a campaign uses a city as a stage insurance generates something interesting or entertaining.

The companies that dare to make use of this type of support insure themselves the direct contact with the client, in whom without doubts they are going to leave a memory. This is the case of the Israeli company Tambour.

This is a leading corporation on the market of paintings of Israel, and it is between the 50 most important production companies of painting of the world. In the frame of his campaignMonth of the color“ it prepared along with the agency Shalmor Avnon Amichay/Y&R Interactivate Israel, an entertaining action.

(I resided …)

I go on from the Bulls against the sweetness

This commercial of Step of the Bulls is a work of BBDO Argentina and he makes fun crafty of the romantic sweetness aiming at the masculine target.


The piece is direct, simple and an egg white but a pair of surprises is reserved to promote the copy in the end, which establishes to Step of the Bulls like a more aggressive and direct drink that does not waste the time with excessive and ridiculous gestures.

The performances also are impeccable since they travel well the thin line between realism and excess producing improbable scenes although not completely impossible.

(I resided …)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Skoda appears in the just moment

This interesting commercial of the mark of cars Skoda seen in Openads for his model Superb Combi is a risky but interesting bet to receive the attention of the spectator.

The decision to relegate to the vehicle to an extremely secondary roll opposite to the composition is controversial, since many support which the public amuses himself and pays attention but really he does not remember the mark. I cannot deny that this argument has many points in his favor but also I have to mention that we live in complex times.

The attention of the public is extremely fragmented between all the modern mass media and to achieve that this one stays constant in a minute is already a capital victory. That's why the piece is the reflex of the loss of predominance of the television due to the fragmentation of the hearings and his need to resort to another type of tactics to support the interested people. At the same time, the piece is so simple and cheap, that does not represent a risk economic so imporante.

(I resided …)

Friday, February 26, 2010

The words remain Armani

This new Armani commercial for his line of feminine linen there is provided with the participation of much mediática Megan Fox who in this case demonstrates that it can be elegant and sexy at the same time.

The piece is perfect in his deceitful simplicity, condensing in a few seconds a sensual, mysterious and seductive image with a music strangely suitable that establishes an extremely elegant visual rhythm.

The minimalism of the words does that the message of the commercial is even more wide and ambiguous, allowing to the public to contemplate the beauty of the actress and also to create your own meaning which probably will redound to major mark remembrance for Armani.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Renault faces England and France

This Renault commercial for the new Clio model is a crafty mockery to the ancestral rivalry between England and France.

Both countries are represented by a protagonist who looks for symbolic examples of the historical exploits of his respective nations. The competancia does not happen of being a prank but it waves enough nationalism as to have emotional impact.

The final score is extremely effective and crafty with a humor touch and very much style, every ambientado with the music of legendary Nina Simone.

(I resided …)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Axe has a double speech

This Axe commercial has two very interesting peculiarities. The first one is his duration, since with almost 3 minutes the norm of the industry exceeds greatly that always this in the stripe 30-60 seg.


The second one is his subject-matter, which led it to being prohibited in several countries. The piece presents a crafty argument in favor of the shower kit axe and although it does not mention straight anything not vaguely controversial, the double entendre of many of the comments proved to be too much for the small minds of the censors.

Nevertheless the result is impeccable and it supports the Axe line of pushing the provocation format increasingly, staying faithful to his image and values of mark.

(I resided …)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hugo Boss finds a Face and a Song

This commercial of Hugo Boss for his fragrance Orange, combines the delight of Sienna Miller with an excellent cover version of Drive My Car de los Beatles, to produce a simple, agile and very fresh piece.


Miller not long ago but it manages to do that everything works and the letter of the Beatles combined with the music of Hotrats does that Orange sets on himself like a frangancia, sexy, juvenile and full of energy.

In contrast to other too solemn or delirious commercials which are the majority in the world of the fragrances, this piece surprises for his austerity, energy and charisma. Hugo Boss bets because less it is more and in this case it triumphs spectacularly.

(I resided …)

Motorola raises the tension

This Motorola commercial was released in the Super Bowl of this year and it is provided with the participation of the sexual symbol of the moment, Megan Fox.


The piece enunciates briefly the virtues of the service then to happen to an unpredictable and humorous contexo that is for what one expects from an announcement released in this moment.

Nevertheless the participation of this well well used Fox since the "actress" manages to entertain with his presence, which serves to attract the attention of the spectators and to achieve mark remembrance.

(I resided …)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Surprises in the Super Bowl

The Super Bowl of this year had a pair of surprises but the one that more attracted attention it was this simple and discreet commercial that filmed in the most absolute secret I leave of mouth opened for the whole United States.


His protagonists are 3 of the most famous television personalities of the country, Jay Leno, Oprah Winfrey and David Letterman. That Log and Letterman had informed of a row extremely publicized due to the dismissal of Conan O'Brien, who had replaced to Log in Tonight Show when this one went to lead its own show, only to be dismissed when the Log show did not work.

Letterman was of O'Brien's side all the time but nevertheless it was allowed to take part of this ingenious and brief commercial that makes fun of this rivalry and that shows that even the most staunch enemies can leave his differences when there is enough money of for way (and I make sure them that in this commercial it was).

(I resided …)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Japanese singing of Jack Bauer

This Japanese commercial of the successful series of television 24, him to rough and combative Jack Bauer a voice to that few ones had listened earlier.


The piece is a collage of scenes of action for that one would wait they were accompanied by a voice in off. Nevertheless the narrator goes for a way different from the one that we are accustomed on having personified the famous intelligence agent and to turn it into a singer of karaoke.

The result is so brave as entertaining and thanks to the subtitles in English they can know exactly that it is sung. The melody is so brave in what he says how in his sound and the result it is something that could only come from the Japan and that leaves us laughing on having showed once again that in the ground of the nascent sun EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

(I resided …)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sling finds his voice

This Sling commercial is provided with the participation of the legendary British actor Anthony Hopkins who decides to do an extra money to himself out of the movies.


The piece is extremely short but interesting in his representation of the mark. The ideas that the Japanese have of the reality simply do not coincide with those of the rest of the world but that does not prevent them from trying it.

The result is not for anything unpleasantly but it might have used a few additional seconds. Probably the difference in the Hopkins cache had not been so much. Of everything you form a piece not contemptible at all although I had liked hearing Hopkins speaking a little in Japanese.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lifestyle not only thinks about the pleasure

This commercial of condoms Lifestyle for his line Xtra Pleasure is an interesting meditation about which factors one must consider at the time of choosing an apartment.


The piece cannot turn out to be particularly sexy to the beginning and then it takes a somewhat strange draft until finally everything has sense. It keeps hooked on the spectator, confuses it and surprises it until finally it gives him to the whole piece a meaning of life and closes it in a magisterial draft.

At the same time the mark remains well recorded in the mind of the spectators, linking in a somewhat tenuous way to the commercial but achieving a functional, practical and realistic image at the same time. This cannot look like the ideal thing for a condoms mark but the realism generates a closeness sensation in the public who probably sits down more identified with this that with a situation as sexy as improbable.

(I resided …)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Guiness opens the Area 22

This commercial of Beer Guiness that I have seen in Openads takes us to an extremely special training camp for some of the players of rugby more famous persons of Ireland.


The commercial is surprising, it relies on with excellent values of production and has a very good concept endorsing it. The result is solid, entertaining and almost it passes for original (the truly original thing has never existed so it is an important achievement).

Guiness keeps on being consolidated between his target with an excellent combination of reputation, energy and style, him giving to the spectators something really special and demonstrating that he likes doing the things to the big thing but without losing the substance.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Banana Boat does not protect only of the Sun

This commercial of Banana Boat combines ingenuity and mischievousness to show how being exhibited too much to the sun without the suitable protection can bring consencuencias that go beyond the awaited ones.


The commercial is deliberately confused at first and then it continues a way that one would not associate straight with a mark of solar protectors but finally his message clarifies everything briefly. The clarification seems unnecessary but for the not turned ones in English I translate them “The exhibition to the sun can bring consequences more serious than you imagine. Take care of the Sun”

(I resided …)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Pepsi takes us to his backstage

This commercial of Pepsi, led by the soccer player Fernando Torres, is a brilliant satire to the ridiculous commercials of exaggerated budget with which some marks try to attract attention on the spectators whom the apathy threatens to turn into gelatine of lemon and/or grape.


The piece combines a backstage in English with values of production of series B and pretensions hollywoodenses to achieve such an entertaining, ludicrous and beyond the common commercial that impresses and entertains in a way that he was not waiting for me. Pepsi excels himself again making fun of his past and future excesses with this small jewel that contains many parties references to what it happens behind drop cloths in the world of the publicity.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Axe discovers the Twist

This Axe commercial for his fragrance Twist is an interesting change of the creative concept of irresistible seduction that was coming being used years ago with very good results. Nevertheless the mark decides not to fall down in the stagnation and changes the concept to give him a more humorous and less obvious touch in the sexual aspect.


The piece surprises, entertains and gives a sensation of improvising with humor and style to give to all the men the makeover that they would wish in the moment that more they need. The attitude change with the moment of the day also is a crafty reference to as the night it does that many extract his best finery in sights of attracting the attention of the opposite sex.

(I resided …)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Evolution and permanence of the Logos

The logotype of a mark is an essential part of his identity, although many of them began of a way merely utilitarian and functional to differ from his competitors.


The evolution of the logos of some of the most prominent marks of the world is an example of as the worry for transmitting a specific image if the same, it has led to these marks it is to concentrate in creating a logo loaded with details, both explicit and implicit. I invite them to observe the gallery after the jump and see as and when some of the most famous images from all the times came to the world.

(I resided …)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Stairs, mechanical and advertizing

The escalators not only are a way of not tiring the legs at the time of covering the distance between an apartment and other, but also they offer an interesting creative opportunity of that many people have been able to make use.


This collection demonstrates how even something of purpose purely functional can be turned into a message as ingenious as unforeseen, that can dazzle the public in the least thought-out form.

Another tribute to the tireless creativity of many, which think about how to find new ways of communicating with the consumers in a way that I turned out to be ingenious, entertaining and different.

(I resided …)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Buzz teaches to meet your friends

This entertaining game of Facebook, Buzz: The Friend Quizz, examines information of your "friends" and rises different questions to you on them trying that you demonstrate that they are not there alone to increase your number of contacts.


The application is so entertained as ironic since it generates good questions about the quantity of virtual friends that is had without these being more than a symbolic Status representation for many cybernautas. The quandary is raised but each one will have to solve it for himself, meanwhile Buzz turns out to be one of the forms more novel of amusing itself in Facebook although also it generates uncomfortable questions for many.

(I resided …)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Movistar wants that you celebrate

This interesting viral campaign of Movistar thinks about how to assemble users of his Tariff Pluraal and treat that spend it of marvel.


The holiday (they can see the details here) he tries to convince basically persons who possess the tariff Pluraal or who are interested in having it, in meeting and forming groups to compete for 20 holidays that Movistar has prepared. These will fit to the desires of his creators (inside the reasonable thing) and from 75 to 100 persons will assemble.

(I resided …)