Monday, November 30, 2009

Peugeot opens the doors

This French Peugeot commercial tries to surprise the spectator with a surprising change of driver.


The piece is creative and surprising, without bordering on the delirious thing or the excessively artistic thing. The copy “The best seat is always that of the driver” it offers a symbolic explanation although it does not complete to everything what has happened to the protagonist.

Finally the feminine genre takes the victory with his astuteness and closes noisily the piece. I must praise also the values of production, the music that they get together very well with the creative concept.

(I resided …)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cadbury does not discover anything new under the Sun

I have rescued this commercial of Cadbury of 1969 to analyze as the critics of the publicity for his use of erotic images are neither new at all nor particularly original.


The piece is ancient but his message is clear and easy to interpret. If this commercial managed to go out to the air in 1969, I believe that it does not remain already too much that about saying about “the old times” in which “the morality and the decency” were prevailing and the dinosaurs and the human beings were sharing parking places.

Personally I believe that the resource of the sexual metaphor is very coarse and shows a chronic ideas lack. Nevertheless it keeps on using like lifebelt and has been a part of the campaigns of many marks of big international prestige. The fact is that in spite of being slightly creative, the sex always attracts attention.

(I resided …)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Gasol sings to the rhythm of Sing Star

This commercial of Sing Star Karaoke is counted with the participation of the famous basquetbolista by Paul Gasol, who demonstrates that in spite of not being a big singing, equal one it can amuse itself doing it.


The piece has a touch deliberately home-made and chance that thinks about how to represent the experience of the players meeting in his hearths friends and improvising unexpected musical groups. The presence of a celebrity, which acts with normality and without doing any boasting of his talents is a crafty way of capitalizing his reputation at the same time that one supports it like an accessible figure.

An excellent commercial for Sing Star, which has been consolidated like a more accessible and economic option to Rockstar, reaching big popularity in Europe and South America.

(I resided …)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sprite becomes fresh

The new Sprite campaign is based on an extremely ambiguous concept, which can fit in any situation and has a clearly humorous tone.


The commercials have a varied content, with the copy “let's Be still Fresh” closing each of them. The esthetics are modern but not inaccessible and one points to try to generate identification with the public, be already for the situations or the protagonists.

What means the copy? Quite and nothing. It is a phrase that defines the concept for the spectator but it does it in a way so open that it allows each one to find your own interpretation. That's why the piece triumphs, in spite of not be pronouncing clearly about which it is the benefit that Sprite offers.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Axe does not need wings

This Axe commercial for his new deodorant Axe Seco Sensitive that does not irritate the armpits, is a memorable homage to Top Gun and a jewel of the surrealism.

The piece capitalizes well the nostalgia of the eighties, which is in his iciest moment. Nevertheless this commercial does not resort to the usual strategies of Axe of doing the irresistible user for all the women but it points at something more entertaining and unpredictable.

The result is marvelous, since there get together very good values of production, an excellent song (seemingly created for the commercial) and moment so entertained like unexpected that help to receive the attention of the spectator.

(I resided …)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pepsi Max is for men

This commercial of Pepsi Max was destined for the Superbowl 2009 but it never gone so far as to be expressed. It is all forms interesting to see as Pepsi treats of posicionar the mark, aiming at the masculine target.

The commercial is violent but entertaining and it illustrates very well his point on having showed progressively more brutal and unpredictable situations. It is clear that it does not think about how to be taken seriously, but simultaneously this is his target, trying to speak to the masculine public who sees the Pepsi Light like something feminine and slightly manly.

The result is a risky and interesting piece, with good ideas and a creative concept that might be the base of a good campaign (assuming that some day achieves to go out to the air).

(I resided …)

Friday, November 20, 2009

This duel Heineken

Heineken continues with his biting reflections about the value that the beer has for the men, without importing his races, origins or occupations.

This commercial makes a show of the thin humorous smell of Heineken, which keeps on aiming at his target, without worrying about being politically correct and breaking with many of the strategies of his competitors who use the sex or the violence as principal hardware.

I hope that Heineken should keep on taking so many ideas as desire of selling beer since his commercials rarely disappoint (Except when they allude to movies). Drink that's why.

(I resided …)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

16 reasons to stop smoking

The campaigns against the tobacco consumption are generally to the avant-garde of the ingenuity and the skill to impress the spectators.


This collection of posters and campaigns of public route are alone the top of the iceberg in the world efforts to lower the smokers' quantity and concientizar about the effects that the tobacco consumption has on the organism.

The majority must transmit his message in a moment (that is what the attention of the spectator lasts), forcing to the maximum the creativity to be concise, direct and effective. At the same time the resources that are used must give in this exact point between the subtle thing and the intelligent thing without falling down either in the or morbid thing either in the recitation of medical information.

(I resided …)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Authentic Christmas

With the Christmas period on the verge of landing on us and beginning his meeting of annual torture, I decided to make fun (again) of these obsolete traditions with this brilliant piece that can or not be real.

If it is authentic or talks each other only of a good viral prank little matters for me since it is so endiablamente entertaining that I could not stop laughing while it saw it. After having seen many announcements in American local night television, I give faith that things how are you can come to the air at certain hours and be successful that extremely costly and well produced pieces.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sony visits Facebook

In the most recent development of the war of the viral marketing, Sony revealed that the holders of a Playstation 3 will be able to get connected to Facebook across his console.


Yes, the whole world is raised to the train Facebook although almost nobody has idea of that trip will do. The growth of the social network has reached a peak in this year and there is beginning to lose predominance before Twitter, whose microbloggin model seems unstoppable for the time being.

Nevertheless Facebook keeps on being one of the most visited and popular places of the social web. The quandary that nobody still dares to answer is like canalizing the visits of these places in consumption of products and services without losing the "purity" that many of these pages offered as I encourage originally.

(I resided …)

Branca Menta discovers the rhythm of the city

This commercial of Branca Menta points to establish a sensual, unpredictable and sophisticated image for the drink, using exclusively images that one would not associate in spite of drinking alcohol.

The piece is fascinating in his visual execution, thinking about how to hypnotize the spectator with a miscellany of surrealistic images and techno musician to produce something modern, cool and quite showily.

In contrast to many other pieces that only try to impress with meaningless images, this one manages to fuse energy, style and rhythm in an excellent combination that gives to Branca Menta a distinctive image before the eyes of the public.

(I resided …)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Volvo makes use of any opportunity

This Volvo commercial associates to the mark with the irrationally successful saga of fantasy Twilight, which one seems to be the fashionable drug in these days.


The commercial is coarse and direct but it works. Twilight has followers' as mad base as believer and it is possible to sell to them literally any thing if it is linked to the exemption.

Although one would not hope to see a mark as prestigious as Volvo interfering in a phenomenon designed for pre-adolescent boys and his mothers, let's bear in mind that the economic crisis has demolished the market self-propelled doing that the survival takes his place from him to the dignity.

(I resided …)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Schneider tries to be honest

Beer Schneider continues with his attempts of settling like an "authentic" mark extremely wide (term) with the young target although the results keep on being questionable.


The idea is not bad but it has two big problems. It is too long and most of the pleasantries are not graceful. Yes, there are two big problems but not necessary fatal if at least they had edited better the commercial.

It is clear that one is aiming at a young target but I do not believe that the young people is (so) idiots as it they think. The commercial tries to be nice, happy and transgressor but the humor fails and many of the moments feel forced. The reference to brave heart also is pitiful but good, I believe that it is necessary to give them points for trying something different.

(I resided …)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tampax avoids a shipwreck

This commercial of tampons Tampax finds a humorous draft for a moment complicated for the women and moreover for the men who have the adversity of being present when it happens (my solution: To run up to the Patagonia).


The menstruation is represented metaphorically in an intelligent way and although the men are represented like the incapable some (it is not completely false but it is missing to see because the situation incapacitates us) the boat comes to good port.

Most of the TV/radio commercials of tampons do not mention the topic or try to find some elegant metaphor that does not feel real. In this case the hole of the boat manages to explain the point perfectly and without turning out to be too graphic.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The publicity knocks down the wall

To 20 years of the fall of the Wall of Berlin, I am allowed to realize a small reflection about this only moment in the history which according to many marked the end of the communist ideology and also of the democracies, which were absorbed by the capitalism and integrated to the free market.


Last 20 years have been strange in his changes but few ones can deny the impact of this moment at the time of defining a world unified by the communications and the progress.

So much Pepsi as AT&T they made use of this moment to throw commercials, which in spite of being very different received well the ambience of celebration of this moment which would mark the end of the eighties. My favorite is of AT&T but Pepsi defends himself well. See them and comment to his taste.

(I resided …)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Coca-Cola reveals the secret Kiss origin

This French commercial of Coca-Cola takes us to the 70 to reveal us like one of the more long-lived groups of rock of all the times I develop the esthetics that threw them to the international reputation.


The piece does a good recreation of the 70, taking care of the details and chooses a good secret origin for the legendary group. The humor, the ingenuity and the music of the group get together to the perfection in a few seconds resulting in a piece that only needs a few words to devote itself understanding.

Coca-Cola and Kiss combined his promotion powers to do of his tour along France the particularly memorable one and this commercial is a good reminder of what can happen when two marks join his forces.

(I resided …)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Days and Nights of Global Warming

The global warming keeps on being a topic of enormous containment between scientists of the whole world, but on having observed the planet, it is undeniable that something is happening.


This ingenious commercial manages to inspire the reflection of an elegant and crafty way, without forcing a message in the spectator but treating that learns to think about a way and with an attitude different.

It is this type of campaigns those that probably turn out to be more effective at the time of concientizar to the public on the need to treat in more responsible form to the world in which we live and to give less importance to the swindler of To The Gore.

(I resided …)

The Vth speaks all the languages

The remake of the legendary series of television, V: Extraterrestrial invasion, it made debut yesterday in the United States with good ratings and accompanied by an interesting advertizing campaign.


The icónica image of V graffito of red was used again to give to symbolize the secret threat of the Visitors and also to show how his influence spreads all over the world.

The genius of the cartels lies in his incorporation of the Vth in typical phrases of the countries that they represent, showing how the visitors have come all over the balloon and are ready to remain (let's want or not it).

(I resided …)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What does your pet when it is alone?

The modern life us demands increasingly and frequently our pets are those who suffer in the time that we do not share with them.


This cartel was commissioned for hundforum, a protective society of animals based on Stockholm who thinks about how to create conscience of the animal suffering opposite to the indifference of the man. Frequently, the animal is sad and depressed for lack of attention although it seems to have everything necessary for a full and healthy existence.

At the same time, the animal can develop conduct disorders and although it does not turn out to be probable that it ends up by doing what the cartel shows, if it will try to attract attention of us to claim to us that we devote ourselves to him. The cartel manages to be interested in us with an unreal image and shockeante, then to transmit his message with the copy: Do you know that your dog is doing when it is alone at home?“.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Adidas finds the color Silver

This Adidas commercial for his line Slvr is a search for establishing a mark identity inside Adidas, with values and the only characteristics for the products Slvr.


The piece is fascinating and it is very well conceived from the esthetic point of view. His target is to transmit the sensation that Slvr is agile, sophisticated, modern and unpredictable. Nevertheless he cannot say anything about that and must achieve it with images that they speak to him to the subconscious of the spectator.

It is there where the commercial triumphs and creates a space inside the immense mark Adidas for Slvr, which mother does not leave aside the support and the prestige of his house but at the same time it tries to put distance and to do a proper name to him.

(I resided …)